We use cookies for stats, your preferences, logins, etc. We let advertisers share their cookies with you.
Privacy Policycesoid.com servers automatically log:
This is what it logged about me when I visited just now (with the IP address and request_id changed, just in case):
2021-04-18T15:11:07.941365+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=GET path="/2048/supermerging?theme=original" host=www.cesoid.com request_id=9c9463ef-73f0-7684-90f0-f0e86afc84af fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=334ms status=200 bytes=21615 protocol=https 2021-04-18T15:11:07.886378+00:00 app[web.1]: I, [2021-04-18T15:11:07.886259 #4] INFO -- : [9c9463ef-73f0-7684-90f0-f0e86afc84af] Rendered comments/_comment.haml (23.2ms) 2021-04-18T15:11:07.912663+00:00 app[web.1]: D, [2021-04-18T15:11:07.912518 #4] DEBUG -- : [9c9463ef-73f0-7684-90f0-f0e86afc84af] [1m[35m (17.5ms)[0m [1m[34mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT 1 AS one FROM "comments" WHERE "comments"."discussion_slug" = $1 ORDER BY "comments"."created_at" DESC LIMIT $2) subquery_for_count[0m [["discussion_slug", "2048"], ["LIMIT", 4]]
You can see that most (or all) of this data is boring. It is also automatically deleted eventually, but I might keep some of it for debugging for a bit longer.
cesoid.com intentionally stores things when you do certain things that obviously require this to happen:
This data sticks around indefinitely, but I can remove it if you ask me to, by sending me an email at support@cesoid.com.
cesoid.com cannot possibly be storing certain things like names or street addresses unless you intentionally send those things (such as by putting them into a comment ... please don't put your address into a comment). Your computer doesn't send those things automatically, and, oddly enough, might not even know those things.
Google Analytics has a privacy policy that is a part of Google's overall (very long) privacy policy.
Google Analytics assigns a random sequence of letters and numbers to each browser, which looks kind of like this:
It encrypts this, and probably some other things, and sends them to your computer. Your computer sends this back each time a page is loaded and after some other actions such as when clicking certain buttons.
By doing this, Google Analytics can keep track of which actions came from the same browser, even if it doesn't know who is using that browser.
We (at cesoid.com) can see individual paths that were taken at our website, with these paths tied to things like browser window sizes, operating system, and (often inaccurately) the city where the browser is communicating from. This isn't tied to your IP address, and it doesn't include Google Analytics information from other websites.
Most of the time, we just use this to see a bigger picture, such as how many people visited a particular page today.
Google Sign-In should also have privacy information in the same privacy policy as Google Analytics, which is here.
Google Sign-In only pertains to people who choose to use Google to create and login to an account here.
Google Sign-In only gives us a little bit of information, including the primary email associated with your Google account (if you have one) and an id like this:
We won't send you any email unless you ask us to, or if we are obligated to for some legal reason or because you'll be adversely affected if we don't. The only purpose of the email address is to prevent people from creating a separate email-based login account. A lot of people do this by accident because they forget whether they used Google Sign-In to login. They also might do it to try to make another account after they do something they shouldn't have and their account gets disabled. If you do use a Google Sign-In with an email address that already exists as an email login, you will just be logged in to that same account, regardless of which method you use.
The id that Google Sign-In gives us is "sort of" publicly available. In other words, you might be able to find someone's Google account id if you have their email address, but it probably doesn't matter because you already have their email address, and Google doesn't let two accounts use the same verified email address. We don't share your id with anyone. The only purpose it serves for us is to know which cesoid.com account you are logging into by matching it up to the id that was given to us the last time you logged in using Google.
If you want to delete data related to your Facebook Login, follow instructions in How to delete your data
This only applies to people who use Facebook Login to create or login to an account here.We will NOT post anything on Facebook for you, or change anything in your profile unless we, as clearly as we can, ask for your permission to do this, and we currently do not ask for your permission to do this anywhere, because we currently don't have any features for currently doing these things. I personally have, in the past, had apps add to my timeline without me realizing that they were going to do it, and was very unhappy about it, so, I'm on your side here.
Facebook gives us an email address (if you have one associated with your account), and an id specifically limited to cesoid.com. This may enable us to get a publicly available profile picture if you have one, but we haven't tried this yet. If we do have access to such a picture, we may display it to you while you're logged in so that you realize which Facebook account you're logged into. Currently, there is no way for users to see which Facebook accounts were used for anything, or even whether a given Facebook account was used to login to cesoid.com, but if we do make this possible in the future we will ask you whether you want yourself to be visible and warn you if your profile picture will be shown.
We will not send you any email unless you ask us to, or if we are obligated to for some legal reason or because you'll be adversely affected if we don't. We respect that the purpose of a Facebook login isn't to give us the ability to email you, but to create an account on cesoid.com. As is currently described above for the Google Sign-In, the purpose of the email address is to prevent people from creating a separate email-based login account. A lot of people do this by accident because they forget whether they used Facebook to login. They also might do it to try to make another account after they do something they shouldn't have and their account gets disabled. If you do use a Facebook with an email address that already exists as an email login, you will just be logged in to that same account, regardless of which method you use.
The id that Facebook gives us is particular to cesoid.com. For this reason, it couldn't be used to connect your identity to a login at some other site. The only purpose it serves for us is to know which cesoid.com account you are logging into by matching it up to the id that was given to us the last time you logged in using Facebook.
Privacy Settings NOTE: This link isn't working for me and might only work for people in an area that requires GDPR compliance. The code is made and maintained by AdinPlay so I have no idea what's going on and I don't think I can predict it or change it.
Adinplay has its own privacy policy, which contains a list of "Ad technology providers" and links to their privacy policies.
We allow them and their providers to interact with your computer when you visit cesoid.com, which means they can give you cookies and read them, but cesoid.com cannot see these cookies, because the communication occurs directly between your computer and their servers. Because some of these providers are used by many websites, they may be able to connect interactions from different sites. This is why ads are often influenced by your other activity on other sites. cesoid.com does not have access to any of this information.
Send an email to support@cesoid.com with the subject "Delete my data", and include one of the following ways for us to find your data:
We delete data as soon as we can, and within any timeframe required by policies or laws. Our own policy is to get back to you within 48 hours with any further information that we require to delete data and/or notify you of actions that we are taking.
We may want to make sure you are not deleting someone else's account, but we will err on the side of caution by doing some things without that verification. For example, images of a nonfamous person might be considered sensitive enough to delete without verification. A theme that has no sensitive data might be removed from public visibility but deleted only after verification.
Why do we avoid knowing things about you? Because there are a lot of rules, regulations, and moral implications about who should know what, and what they should do with that information, and the best way to avoid breaking those rules is to:
At this moment this site is run by one person, and occasionally moderated by an additional person. This may change in the future. If you have any issues, including if you want me to delete some data related to your use of this site, you can email support@cesoid.com, and I will handle your email in the order it arrived, which is first and last within its own order, and at some point within the order that all of the other emails arrived.